Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Honoring Amy Pascal and Ralph Rucci: LGBT Event

One of the perks of this 5th year of Calligraphy Katrina Maison du Papier is being available to give back to sponsor, and attend special events that give back to communities.  Like prior posts on Giving Back with CKMDP and community support the growth of CKMDP means activism in communities and humanities.  It's nice to have wellness development for my company and the CKMDP team.

Mid March my best friend and I attended An Evening Honoring Amy Pascal and Ralph Rucci: Benefiting Youth Services oft the LA Gay & Lesbian Center.  The event was held at the Beverly Wiltshire and sponsord by Sony Pictures Entertainment, Sax Fith Avenue, and Wells Fargo  Click here to read more about the purpose of the event:  About

Quality Time with my BFF!!!
Sponsors:  LA Gay Lesbian Center, Sony Pictures Entertainment,
Sax Fith Avenue, Wells Fargo with many more
Table settings at the Beverly Wilshire
In contribution to the event CKMDP contributed thousands of place cards were written for the large audience that was in attendance of this fun, inspiring, and fabulous evening.Cheers to Amy Pascal and Ralph Rucci in their leadership, service, and contributions to the LGBT community.  There were many presenters and honored speakers through the evening.  Unfortunately the best of shaky hands and a distant table, the photos of these amazing guests came out way to blurry to post.

And not going to lie!!!  It's nice to end with some good sugar!!!!  I love sweets!

I'm glad that my team and I are able to support each other through our daily life, hopes, and dreams.  It's even better to know that we're here to spread the love to others too.  Thanks BFF for spending this awesome sponsorship opp with me.

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