Monday, November 5, 2012

Manic Monday Muse: Bottega Funday Part 1 and AMERICAN HORROR STORY!

It's always so uplifting when I look back at my colleges/friends who have spurred me on to do well with my company.  A few weeks ago, I had lunch with a very dear friend of mine, Marianne Lozano at Bottega Louie
Bottega Louie Fan Page on Facebook

During our 3 hour lunch we were able to share and exchange our experience, happenings, character development, and how to better ourselves in the wedding industry.  We were able to affirm one another in the direction that we both are headed in with words of encouragement, and new ideas.

Other than words of affirmation, we enjoyed a wonderful lunch and dessert. We shared Portabella Fries, the refreshing and smooth Panna Cotta, and continued with many sips of cappuccino.  Thank you Marianne for a heartfelt, filling lunch that was more that just food for my stomach  but food for my soul.  I hope that at the start of your week you find your musement with your best of colleagues and friends.

A Glimpse of Marianne

In addition please check us out on AMERICAN HORROR STORY!!!!! WHOO HOOOO!!!! I am extremely excited to see Calligraphy Katrina in action!  Our episode airs on the next 2 episodes starting THIS Wednesday, November 7th, and November 14th.  It airs on FX at 10 PM.

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